Jacobs Digital

09 480 5903


9 Mokoia Road

Birkenhead, Auckland 0626

OPEN: 9am to 5pm

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Tasco Novice 60mm Refractor Telescope

SKU: 30060800

Tasco Novice 60mm Refractor Telescope - Jacobs Digital

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About this product

Unidentified no longer, those flying objects cant escape the scrutiny of a Tasco telescope. This telescope is the affordable answer to your dreams of space travel. A 300x maximum magnification makes this telescope an excellent way to explore the night sky in great detail.

  • Model: 30060800
  • Specifications: 800x 60mm Refractor
  • Mount: Altazimuth
  • Finderscope: 2x
  • Focal Ratio: F/13
  • Eyepieces: (1.25") 8mm (100x)
    - 20mm (40x)
    - 3x Barlow Lens
    NB: maximum usable magnification will vary depending on atmospheric conditions and the object being viewed
  • Tripod: Aluminum
  • Weight (lbs./kg): 10/4.5
  • Accessories: Moon Filter, Diagonal 3x Barlow Lens

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