Jacobs Digital

09 480 5903


9 Mokoia Road

Birkenhead, Auckland 0626

OPEN: 9am to 5pm

Monday to Saturday

Professional Optical Repairs

Binoculars, Telescopes and more

Optical Repairs

We've been repairing optics such as binoculars and telescopes in our shop for over 30 years. Every repair case is different, if you have an optical device that needs repairs please contact us for advice on how to proceed, alternatively come into the store and one of our friendly staff members can assist you.

Telescope Collimation

Most reflectors and SCTs will need collimating occasionally. Collimating can be tricky and time consuming, if you don't have the time or the tools to collimate your scope yourself we offer collimation as a service at our Birkenhead retail shop.

Collimation is performed on-site at our retail store by our staff. It's $184 inc ($160+GST) per telescope and the collimation is normally completed within a week. In most cases, we don't require any telescope mountings (If your telescope is 11" or bigger, please bring in the mountings) or accessories to perfom the collimation. If your telescope needs a collimation, please contact us by clicking on the below button or simply bring the telescope OTA into our retail store on the North Shore.


Is your telescope not as sharp as it used to be? Are you having issues with focusing and finding that it generally doesn't look right? Then maybe it's time for a collimation.

Reflectors have two mirrors, a primary and a secondary that need to be aligned for the telescope to focus corrected.

If you are seeing the below when looking at a star either in-focus or out of focus your reflector telescope requires collimation.


Cassegrain telescopes are sturdier and require less collimation than reflectors but like any highly tuned machine, will require maintenance at some point. Knowing if your Cassegrain telescope is out of collimation is easy. If you defocus a star and the black circle in the middle is not in the center, it's time for a collimation.

Please have a look at the below image, when you defocus a star, you should see the image on the left. If your seeing the image on the right your scope requires collimation.

Contact us

If you have any further questions about this service you can
call us on 09 480 5903 or alternatively email us using the form below.

Visit our store

You can visit our retail store from Monday till Saturday, 9am to 5pm.
Our Address: 9 Mokoia Road, Birkenhead, Auckland 0626, NZ.

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