Jacobs Digital

09 480 5903


9 Mokoia Road

Birkenhead, Auckland 0626

OPEN: 9am to 5pm

Monday to Saturday

SkyWatcher Super Eyepieces - 20mm or 25mm


SkyWatcher Super Eyepieces - 20mm or 25mm - Jacobs Digital
SkyWatcher Super Eyepieces - 20mm or 25mm - Jacobs Digital

Our Price



Green truck Special order. Usually ships in 1-6 weeks. An order for this can be placed with our supplier, and usually ships within the specified timeframe.




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About this product

The modified achromat series of eyepieces offer a good standard of performance in a very affordable package. Designed for telescopes with mid-range to long f/ratio, these oculars have features usually found only in more expensive designs. These Super Eyepieces incorporate a fold-down rubber eye-shield, fully coated optics and outstanding field correction.

  • Design: Modified Achromat, fully coated
  • Focal length: 25mm or 20mm
  • Eyepiece Barrels: 1.25"/31.7mm Format
  • Apparent Field of view: 52 degrees (20mm and 10mm), 50 degrees (25mm and 4mm), 40 degrees (3.6mm)

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