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Ilford Ilfocolor Rapid Half-Frame 54 EXP Disposable camera

SKU: 2005216

Ilford Ilfocolor Rapid Half-Frame 54 EXP Disposable camera - Jacobs Digital

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About this product

Double the shots, Double the value!

As this is Half-Frame, you are getting 2 photos on a standard 35mm frame which doubles the amount of photos you can shoot!

While Ilford specialises in black and white film, this retro colour camera gives its fans a blast from the past – and is one of the most fun disposable cameras you can use. It’s loaded with Ilfocolor film, which gives images a stylish, washed-out look that instantly transports you back to the 1960s. That pop of colour is something else.

With a fixed-focus lens and a set shutter speed, the camera only requires you to point and shoot. There is an amount of control you can exercise though – you can activate and deactivate the flash with a touch, meaning it doesn’t blast out a scene when you don’t need it.

We’ve always wondered if Ilford would re-introduce their IlfordColor color negative films from the 1960’s, especially with how Kodak and Fuji unable to fulfill the surging demands for their color films lately. Lo-and-behold to everyone’s surprise, Ilford is actually introducing this new ILFORD Ilfocolor Single Use Camera Retro Edition with their own color film.

The camera itself looks to be the same ones that many other manufacturers have on the market now (Lomography,  Ilford b/w camera just to name a few), but this one is loaded with the new Ilfocolor film.

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