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Garrett ACE 400i Metal Detector

SKU: GMD-1141560-SN

Garrett ACE 400i Metal Detector - Jacobs Digital
Garrett ACE 400i Metal Detector - Jacobs Digital
Garrett ACE 400i Metal Detector - Jacobs Digital

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About this product

Highly Recommended- Coin Hunting, Jewelry Hunting, Relic Hunting, Competition Events, Dry Beach/Fresh Water Hunting

Recommended- Cache Hunting, Prospecting, Ghost Town Hunting

Includes 22 x 28cm (8.5" x 11") DD PROformance submersible searchcoil (as shown) with 3 FREE Accessories*:

  • Volume control Garrett ClearSound Easy Stow headphones
  • ACE Environmental Coverup
  • 22 x 28cm (8.5" x 11") Searchcoil cover

The king of ACEs, the ACE 400i includes advanced features like Iron Audio, Digital Target ID, and Frequency Adjust to help you dig more treasure and less trash.

ACE 400i Demonstration

ACE 400i Instructional Video

Key Features

  • NewIron Audio: allows user to hear discriminated iron targets and to alter the mid-tone signal range.
  • NewDigital Target ID: 0 to 99 scale offers target information
  • Newhigher frequency (10 kHz) provides better sensitivity on low and medium-conductivity targets (i.e. gold, lead)
  • NewAdjustable Frequency to help eliminate interference New Camlocks for better stem stability
  • NewIncludes Pulse-Width Modulation audio: sharper, more responsive audio
  • 22 x 28cm (8.5" x 11") PROformance submersible DD searchcoil offers excellent coverage, depth
  • Enhanced Iron Resolution: 3x the iron resolution of an ACE 250, to help separate good targets from adjacent junk iron
  • Includes Electronic Pinpointing: precisely locates targets and speeds recovery
  • Notch Discrimination: Modify discrimination patterns based on what you are seeking.
  • Five Search Modes (plus Pinpoint)
  • Eight (8) Sensitivity/Depth adjustments
  • Coin Depth Indicator determines target depth
  • Includes revised Target ID legend and Mode/Discrimination patterns to better suit the search needs of international users.

* Accessory items are subject to change.


Digital Target ID YES, 0-99 scale
Iron Audio feature YES
Adjustable Frequency YES
Camlocks Included YES
Target ID Cursor Segments 12
Iron Discrimination Segments 6
Notch Discrimination YES
Search Modes 5 (plus Pinpoint)
Sensitivity/Depth Adjustments 8
Electronic Pinpointing YES
Frequency 10 kHz
Audio Tone ID Levels 3
Standard Searchcoil 22 x 28cm (8.5" x 11")
Length (Adjustable) 1.06m - 1.29m (42" to 51")
Total Weight 1.32 kgs (2.9 lbs.)
Batteries 4 AA (included)
Warranty 2 Year, Limited Parts/Labor

What are the differencesbetween an ACE 400 and an ACE 400i ?

  • Redivision of mid-tone/high-tone audio break points.
  • Increased number of Iron Discrim pixels.
  • U.S. coins removed from target legend.
  • Variance in Mode/Discrim patterns.

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