Jacobs Digital

09 480 5903


9 Mokoia Road

Birkenhead, Auckland 0626

OPEN: 9am to 5pm

Monday to Saturday

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Wolverine F2D Titan Film & Negative Scanner

Now you can take all those stacks of 35mm (photo film & Archive), 127, 126, 110, APS Slides & Negatives, Regular 8mm and Super 8...

In stock

  • $354.00 AUD
  • Wolverine F2D Saturn Film & Negative Scanner

    Now you can take all those stacks of 35mm & 127 Slides and Negatives and 120 professional film Negatives and convert them into digital JPEG...

    In stock

  • $380.00 AUD
  • Wolverine Data MovieMaker-PRO 8mm and Super 8 Converter

    Your old reel-to-reel 8mm and Super 8 films are degrading. Worse, the memories fade, and the film becomes more brittle just sitting in the box....

  • $894.00 AUD
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